Nature Happenings
- Project FeederWatch continues,
- Coldest month of the year. Keep your bird bath open with a deicer.
- Give woodpeckers, nuthatches, bushtits and chickadees the calories they need by providing suet.
- Look for over-wintering Yellow-rumped Warblers at your water source and suet feeders.
- Large raptors begin nesting late in the month.
- The goldfinch population peaks; keep your feeders full.
- Downy Woodpeckers are drumming and drilling.
- Great Blue and other herons and egrets begin nesting.
- It's an excellent month to watch birds along the ditches and river ways.
- Bald Eagles are present in the local mountains.
- Aldo Leopold's (Father of Wildlife Conservation) birthday Jan. 11
- Quadrantid Meteor Shower early in the month. See up to 60 falling meteors per hour!