Nature Happenings
In March, Albuquerque's warmer days bring the sights and sounds of spring migration as birds return to the Rio Grande Valley and surrounding areas. Here's some things to do and some happenings:
- Project FeederWatch continues through April,
- BirdCast is live for spring migration bird tracking,
- Provide mealworms for bluebirds and others.
- Watch for Evening Grosbeaks eating black oil sunflower seeds at tray feeders.
- Early migrants like swallows, hawks and White-faced Ibis may be seen in the Bosque.
- Look for Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Northern Flickers at suet feeders.
- Bushtits, House Finch, Lesser Goldfinch, Western Bluebirds and other species begin nesting.
- Sandhill Cranes and Geese are migrating out of the area.